Pyth Network

Pyth Network is an oracle protocol that connects the owners of market data to applications on multiple blockchains.

Pyth Network offers several products for developers:

  • Price Feeds provide real-time prices for 400+ assets on 40+ blockchain ecosystems, including Solana, many EVM chains, Aptos, Sui, NEAR, and several Cosmos chains.

  • Benchmarks provides historical Pyth prices for both on- and off-chain use.

  • Entropy allows developers to generate secure random numbers on the blockchain.

Pull Oracle

The Pyth pull oracle consists of two different programs. The receiver program is deployed at the following addresses:

NetworkProgram address

Eclipse Testnet

The price feed program is deployed at the following addresses:

NetworkProgram address

Eclipse Testnet

For more info on Pyth Network, check out the official docs:

Last updated